For in that Journal of Death, what dreams may come…


The Death of Rats was the first thing I illustrated for Terry Pratchett. He appeared on the 2001 hardback edition of The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, with a more sinister, spectral aspect than I would paint nowadays (see below; the top one is new).


The rest of the cover was a bit of struggle as the manuscript was unfinished at the time but, as is the way with publishing, an image was needed far in advance of publication. Eventually, a suitable approach was approved and Terry was kind enough to phone and thank me for my efforts, a lovely gesture that illustrates what a considerate chap he was.


Having completed the Death’s Study jigsaw for the Discworld Emporium, I recently did some illustrations for the accompanying journal. Here are a few examples…bookplate1

Ysabell, later to become wife of Mort and mother of…


…Susan Sto Helit.


Here’s Death enjoying himself a little too much at Hogswatch.dhogfatherdeathonbikefin

Death and Binky.ddeathonbinkyfin2

Death’s manservant, Albert.


The journal is published by Gollancz early August. Visit the Discworld Emporium to get your copy!

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